Maria Rosa De Luca, Gli spazi del talento. Primizie musicali del giovane Bellini, Firenze, Olschki, 2020
Giorgio Sanguinetti
In this book the author reconstruct the first eighteenth years of Vincenzo Bellini’s life since his birth in 1801 up to his move to Naples in June 1819, including a survey of his musical training with his grand-father Vincenzo Tobia Bellini and a thorough discussion of his (authentic) early compositions and the musical milieu in early 19th-century Catania. In particular, the book focuses on sacred music and the corrections made by Bellini senior to the composition of his nephew, but also to the early signs of some aspects of the later style of Vincenzo Bellini, such as the sophisticated entanglement of dissonances in his melodies.
Vincenzo Bellini in Catania – Vincenzo Tobia Bellini – Sacred music – Francesco Florimo
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