Bianca e Gernando, Bad Wildbad, 2016

Ralph P. Locke


Bianca e Gernando (1826) was Bellini’s first professionally staged opera, coming a year after his remarkable Adelson e Salvini (from his last year at the Naples Conservatory). The first recording of this work, based on editorial work by Reto Müller and Florian Bauer, derives from two concert performances in July 2016 at the Rossini in Wildbad Festival (in Germany). The work proves to be strong indeed, thanks in part to the general excellence of the conductor, singers, and instrumentalists.


Keywords: Bianca e Gernando – recordings – Wildbad Festival – Reto Müller – Florian Bauer – Review

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DOI: 10.17422/ISSN.2283-8716/1033